I think we both can agree that it is time for a massive spring clean out. I am not very good at throwing away expired beauty products but then again when do I ever think of that? I think most would say that we are just use to expired foods. I think its a good idea to have a good look over your products that have been stashed away in your cabinets.
1. "When in doubt, throw it out!" I saw this saying before but it is SO true. I use that method myself and currently am doing that with my clothes. I have so many that I forgot about so HEY why not throw away what you don't need.
2. Most products that are labelled "organic" should be stored in a refrigerator once exposed to air. This will keep most of the bacteria way verses storing it at room temperature.
3. KEEP YOUR LIDS TIGHT. I am so bad at this. One again, contamination of bacteria in the air nuff said.
4. Keep your beauty products out of your bathroom even homemade soaps. The steam from each shower can actually ruin products such as eye shadows! Just keep that in mind.
5. Keeping your perfume out in the light will actually take away it's original scent. Store it somewhere cool.
6. Check the expiration dates on products such as foundations! They can be quite hidden at times but be sure to look it over twice.
*all photos from weheartit
These are only a few tips but also the obvious, throwing away older or drying out mascara are a MASSIVE breeding ground for bacteria. I'd rather be safe than sorry!
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