Fitness Rant #1

No, Im not calling my family a bitch but these
 words suite my frustration right now
I am so ticked off right now. It pisses me off so much that the people who tell me that I need to lose my weight and that I need to focus are the ones that ARE NOT EVEN PHYSICALLY FIT THEMSELVES! You can go ahead and add this to my pet peeves list because in my opinion I don't think it's right for someone to focus and lose their weight faster when you've changed EVERYTHING that you use to do in your life in the matter of THREE WEEKS. So here's the sitch. I just ate dinner and decided to have a relatively healthy meal of a tuna sandwich with lettuce. Note: I typically do not eat around anyone because someone ALWAYS has something to say. Anyways, I've been consuming tons and tons of water and wanted to reward myself with a small glass of soda. SMALL GLASS OF SODA. The second I poured it my dad rides by butt on when's the last time you ran and of course my mother bickering in the background YOU'RE NOT FOCUSING. YOU DON'T CARE. YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. No shit mom. No one ever bothers to take the time to ask a person what changes have you made this week. Do you feel different? What foods did you eat today? I screaming for words of encouragement but they are doing nothing but bringing me down. 

You know what is funny is I thought that family is suppose to get you through the thick and thin and I keep questioning myself if they even really care. Two days ago I had to pick up two large pizzas, soda, and bread sticks, and yesterday I had to buy two bags of chips, desserts, and three liters of soda. I did not make that choice to buy those items but was something that I had to pick up. We grilled out yesterday with loads of BBQ chicken and Oscar Mayer Wieners along with all the fatty side dishes. I am not hating on my family it's just I don't understand why they ACT like they're helping. Especially the fact that these are people who don't exercise themselves. I am making the effort. Honestly, I don't think that they should worry about me but more of my younger sibling. My younger sibling HAD to have gained 20 or 30 pounds within a matter of months. I am scared for my family since I've  tried to make the effort to do something physical like going for a walk or playing baseball at the field. 

I know that many people around the world may experience this and you are not alone! Just push out the negative and bring in the positive! Remember it is you that is taking a step forward and making a change and if no one else wants to come along, screw them! haha 

***side note: I am not hating on my family, I love them all to death, but it frustrates me to the point where I feel like I have to vomit because I don't even know if they want me to crash and burn or this is their sick way of encouraging me. (& yes I have discussed this with them before but they fail to listen)

Anonymous said...

You do realize that you are trying to meet a weight goal to get in the national guard.You are on a deadline.

Also, your younger sibling isn't that bad. He is a boy. Boys have different bodies than girls.

Nika said...

@anonymous Yes, I am very aware that I am on a deadline. I set it for myself and I have a set weight that I must be on.

As for my sibling, I find it funny that you specified him as a boy since I did not state that in this post. You're most likely either my dad that made this comment or someone I just talked to about the military.

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