I'm on top of the world!

Hi everyone! So Today I really didn't do that much. I pulled an all nighter and told myself that I was gonna get up at 6am to do my run and I could pass back out but unfortunately I passed out til noon. haha So I got my day started anyways to do a little DIY on those ugly plastic storage containers...you know the ones that you see EVERYWHERE.Anyways it was like a semi fail and decided that I am gonna purchase nice basket storages later as school gets started up again. My shins were totally on fire today so I decided to spend more time outside and go for a long walk. I didn't think I would've been out there for 1hr 38mins but I was :) I went to this really huge hill where when I was climbing it I had to pretty much crawl up it because it was so steep, no joke. It's definitely an amazing feeling at the top though. I'm thinking about doin' an ootd there...such a random spot but hey if you go at the right time of the day is so pretty there. Anyways if you wanna see the vid I'll insert it here once it uploads and processes! Hope you all are having an amazing day. STAY POSITIVE and for those who are trying to gain or lose weight STAY MOTIVATED. <3

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