So they strike again...

*sigh* I feel like my family just doesn't get it. They did it again and had take out. AGAIN, I don't know where their intentions lie when they say they're trying to support me with this weight loss. I know many of you may think, well that's simple don't eat the food! Yes, it is simple but the thing is I live at my parents house so whatever food they have at  the house is what I have to eat. The fact that they never fill the fridge because we never have  proper shopping, we end up with 40 boxes of tv dinners. I really have no idea what happened but we never use to eat like this. We always made home cooked meals and had healthy meals as well.

I really pray for big things to happen for me this year, one, that I will lose the majority of my extra weight and two, finally moving out of my parent's house. I love my family and all but I feel like I'm worse off being living in this household. I am aware that I will have way more responsibilities but I feel like it will be all worth it in the end.
J said...

its very fustrating i know

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