thank you all for all the support on my blog as well as my youtube channel! I have reached 150 subscribers on that channel and also hit my one year mark on the 28th of December! So I wanted to give you something for you all (to those who are my guy subscribers I apologize! Maybe give it to a mom, sister, or girlfriend if you win???) Here are a few pictures of the prizes as well as important rules you must follow to be eligible!
1. Must be a subscriber to my youtube channel (
2. Comment in my YOUTUBE comment box your new years resolutions
3. Share this giveaway to someone ie. facebook, twitter, blog posts, tumblr, etc and let me know in the comment section or via twitter so I have proof :)
4. This is a U.S. residents only giveaway! (sorry for those who are not I think i will do an international one next time!)
**those who are twitter users tweet:
"I am entering @nikasade's one year anniversary youtube giveaway you should enter too!"
1.Write a blog post or put my giveaway logo on your blog
2.Subscribe to my new channel
great competition, love the earrings too bad im not a U.S. resident. Next time :) happy one year!
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