I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have missed out on many opportunities due to my fears. I feared that I may miss out on something at home so I am afraid to move away. I fear that I may not be good enough to take the next step to a management level and will my peers take me seriously. I fear what others may think of what the choices I make on a day to day basis. I fear that I may not make the correct choices that my parents may have wanted me to.
These are all fears that may keep you from your own happiness or sanity. It may even be the deciding factor if you create your own business or to purchase your new home or not. Set aside those fears and become fearless. It is okay to be selfish at times to make yourself happy. Write down your fears and come up with an action plan to help conquer those fears. Remember this is a step by step process and is not something that will be solved overnight. I continue to work on myself and better my being taking these steps to become a more successful and joyful being.
What are some of your fears? Leave a comment below!
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