Out with the Old; In with the New: New Years Resolutions

It has always been by tradition as the year ends, many come up with various New Years resolutions for the up coming year. This is suppose to be a time for new opportunities, rejuvenate, and to allow yourself to start off on a clean slate! I myself have been one of those who always participated in this event but seem to NEVER fullfil any of them! (Hehe) So I would like to share with you my goals or resolutions for the year 2011 and you should share yours in return! :3

1. Finish what I start- to fullfil all of my resolutions for 2011.

Like I said before, it does work for the first month but after I lose focus and go back to my old self! I would love to stick with the plan and JUST DO IT! 

2. Lay off the Locks!
I'm not gonna lie, but ever since i've purchased my extensions my hair has grown quite a bit since I havent been putting constant heat on my hair! I think that I should go on complete hair rehab in the summer when I am not doing anything! Anyways I'm doing pretty good at that but theres always room for improvement! 

3. Pop dem pills!
I use to be amazing at this but now that I've been busy or lack of a better term LAZY, I haven't been taking my daily vitamins! I've noticed a quite big difference on how my body feels and I understand that some people are like "You don't need vitamins, you already get it in your food blahblahblah" but for me it works and that definitely has shown when I use to wrestle for my highschool in the past! Which goes hand in hand with my next resolution.

4. Better Health & Well-Being

Yes, this is the typical answer you'll hear from most people but it is so true though! Ever since I've entered college I haven't done as much physical activity as in the past! As an athlete you'll understand this is a huge disgrace on yourself and realize this has got to change. I'm motivating myself to keep up with going to the gym or doing something physical everyday whether its going for a walk or taking a kick boxing class. 


I don't know about you, but I freakin hate water. The only time it tastes good is when I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm dying for thirst! So I decided I'm going to try to drink more water now and maybe spice it up a bit by adding lemon juice to it. It does after all brighten your complexion!

6. Straight as a Board

Let's face it, I think that everyone at some point has had poor posture and this is one of the things I am worst at! I want to try and it up straight more often because not only my back will stop hurting as much but you'll get a better airway than slouching your back! 

I guess this should be enough for now! I know that this will be quite a challenge, but it's a challenge that I am willing to take! I'm curious to know your New Years resolutions so leave a comment below to share! 

Nika x x

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