Stylish Blogger Award!

Woo hoo! I honestly didn't think id ever have anyone give me an award but here we are! This is very exciting lol! I was given this award from my lovely friend Georgia!


The Rules
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. List 7 things about yourself that you haven't mentioned before
3. Tag 7 people and let them know you've done so!

1. I've never envisioned myself ever getting married, so I've always had and still am preparing myself to be content with myself. Idk  it's weird because I don't imagine myself relying on a husband... is that bad?

2. I am the only left handed person in my whole family line but when it comes to sports I always use everything right handed. Makes sense? Probably not.

3. I'm deathly afraid of spiders. Once I see one I'm not hanging out in that room.

4. Apparently I send out a different message to people because what they think I am or like at like is completely opposite of what I am. (ex. personality etc.)

5. I am in a long distant relationship. Its friggin hard butttt it's happening lol Michigan + New York not too shabby.

6. Part of my kinda regrets ever making this blog and my youtube channel just because I'm afraid people who actually know me will make fun of me ALOT but its really dumb because I honestly don't give a bleep about those kind of people... so why am I afraid again?

7. I'm actually pretty easy going if you give me a chance. I may come of as silly or a goofball but I can also have intellectual conversations if you spend time with me :) 

These are the lovely ladies that I'd love to tag! 

That Fashion Student
Urban Spank
2 Mates and a Blog
& Everything Nice
Georgia said...

Hoe hoe, I gave you another award on my blog :P

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